Joe Seliga built his famed wood canvas canoes in Ely, Minnesota for over 60 years. Seligas have been cherished by generations thanks to their meticulous construction, classic hull shape, and beautiful recurved stems. When Joe was ready to pass on his legacy he sought out Bell and now Northstar to request that his time honored design continue in lightweight materials. Here it is, again.
prices & specsTrim Options
Tandem Canoe: Aluminum Trim: Standard Ash Components:
Proprietary two piece bronze anodized aluminum gunwales; thermoformed deck plates; bronze anodized aluminum thwarts and grab handles; ash yoke; laminated contoured ash web seats hung on ash drops.
Tandem Canoe: Aluminum Trim: Upgraded Walnut Components:
Proprietary two piece bronze anodized aluminum gunwales; thermoformed deck plates; walnut and ash laminated contoured web seats hung on walnut drops; walnut and ash laminated yoke and thwarts.
Tandem Canoe: Wood Trim: Standard Walnut Components:
Timeless oiled ash gunwales; sculpted and laminated walnut and ash end decks; walnut and ash laminated contoured web seats hung on walnut drops; walnut and ash laminated yoke and thwarts; tie down loops. Wood trim increases the weight of a tandem canoe by ~3 lbs.